Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Pre-Travel Notes!

Greetings, salutations and above all, Ni Hao! Welcome to my newly constructed Blog created in an attempt to record and catalog my next year or so living and teaching English at the Tongliao #1 Middle School in Tongliao, China (Inner Mongolia Province).

Today is July 28, a lovely Monday, and I'm living right now in Providence, RI. Currently, our leave date for China is set for August 20th. There are a whopping 6 fresh college alumni from Providence College (all Class of '08, like me) that will going to China to teach, myself included! All of us have been getting ready for our flight and just enjoying the last few weeks of America we have remaining. I've been working at a Country Club in Barrington for the past two months, and living with a few of my most adored friends from college for the time being.

Starting August 10th I'll have moved back into New Hampshire (my true home) until I leave for good. Aside from work I have had a decent amount of free time this summer - if you're curious, I've been spending most of it reading (Catch-22 right now), hittin' the beach, visiting as many friends as humanly possible, and trying to get all my ducks in a row.

I can't start to explain the anticipation and excitement I have built up for this coming job and adventure - it's almost ridiculous. Almost every other night I've spent time looking at pictures from cities and places around China where I'll be living, OR watching youtube videos of the team of Providence College students that are over in China right NOW who did the same program that we are coming to replace them for. Check out the videos to see some of the things I'll be doing!

I'm going to try to do some justice to this Blog and load it up with as many pictures and documented items as possible over the next year in my travels - make sure anyone who keeps up on it constantly yells at me to work on it so people can have at least some menial idea as to what I'm up to! Thanks!

More updates to come as they float into my life!