Thursday, August 7, 2008


So it's August 6th.. T-MINUS 1 DAY AND A FEW HOURS TIL THE OLYMPICS BEGIN! But that's besides the point. The big news is that our departure date for China has been pushed back by a couple of weeks. Rather than August 20th, we have been set back to leave for September 15th - due to security issues, etc. with the Olympics in Beijing. This is from the directors of our program... Check it out:

Dear 08 China Group:

Due to the Olympics, the government of China has been very strict - and somewhat secretive until the last minute - about visas, including work visas. Even top businesses people are not getting visas until September

The entire PC Group has been approved for the visas, but no one is getting them unti September, including business executives. Many other teaching applicants have not been approved because they did not follow the strict - and somewhat confusing - application process.

There was a delay last year in following the new application process. We followed it this year and are approved, but the ban on all but Olympics Visas until Sept is a blanket ban.

Everything should proceed smoothly in September, as it did last year.

Love, China.

So basically what this means is thus: I'l be at work for an extra two weeks, then spending September at home before shooting off to the other side of the world.

How about THAT!?