Sunday, May 10, 2009


Love you mom - you made my life, and make it better every day. :)

Thank you so much for all your support in my crazy undertaking of going to China and seeing the world, etc. I wouldn't be able to do all this without your blessing and interest in the things that I do, and it is nothing short of a miracle how much love and admiration you've given me. I can't fathom how many sacrifices I'm sure you've made for me, and how blindly you've given your love to me through my entire life. Love shapes, love nurtures, and your love in particular has given me strength and personality enough to live out my dreams and search this world for opportunity and adventure. You've literally made me the person I am, momma. Words can't translate how much love I've got for you every single day when I think about you out here.

I miss you more than I've missed anything else in my life! I can't wait to see you this August..! Enjoy Murray Farms Flowers, and treat yourself to something you love today. :) You'll have to wait for your mother's day present when I return back home!

LOVE YOU TOO MUCH! You're the best mother a son could ask for!

And to every other mother who may read this, or who might read this and has a respective mother...

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! To the hardest working ladies in the world!
