Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Sooo - fast forward 5 MONTHS, and you'll have found me back in the US of A! I've spent the past 3-4 weeks back in America, readjusting to Western culture. This includes, but is not limited to saying 'Thank You' in Chinese to people when I buy things at stores, being shocked that I could understand everyone around me at once, noticing how different Chinese People look vs. the explosion of variety found here in USA, and realizing I've gained weight at an alarming rate since putting myself back on an 'American' diet (Hamburgers, nachos, pasta, you NAME it). But let me tell ya, it's been wonderful to see friends that I haven't seen in an entire year. Refreshing.. rejuvinating, even! In about 2 weeks from today, I'll be returning back to China to continue teaching for another teaching year! I touch down in Shanghai to attend a huge meeting for the new job I'll be entering, then taking a train to Zhengzhou, Henan - to begin my new job! I'm afraid I won't be spending my next year in Tongliao, which is a shame, both because I made a myriad of wonderful friends and memories there... and since my website is .. but I'm sure I can figure something out, here. I'll keep you all (all 6 of you that might read this?) highly posted!

Oh, and explanation about why I abruptly stopped writing in my blog 5 months ago might be in order, yeah? Well, turns out one day in March I went to log into my blog, and I was unable to access in any way, shape or form. Was this China's fault? Maybe. Did I want to keep writing? Of course! Alas, I was unable to - so I was forced to lay down my digital pen for awhile. Bummer. Hopefully now I can pick up the pieces and try to recount my last few months in China. I'll do my best!

I hope all is well, living in America is everything I had ever dreamed. Or, at least, everything I had remembered from about a year ago.
