Friday, October 3, 2008

The Weekend of David and Honey

So David and Honey are our best friends. Literally. Since we've been in China, we spent one day without seeing them at all, and we almost went insane. (We made search parties, scoured the school, sent up flares, the whole bit.) Long story short, we owe them our lives. They help us take care of everything in China. They are our translators, warm friends, cultural aides, brother, sister, father and mother while we're here. Plus, they love to go out on the town. Which makes them cooler than we are, because we can only speak 1 language as of late, and they know two. (Three in david's case, he knows some Japanese). Anyhow. Some of our adventures thus far are worth mentioning. To kick things off, David decided that he wanted to cook for us the night after the sports meeting - so we all piled into David and Honey's quaint little apartment at around 7. We brought the Pi-Joe (beer), and he cooked up a storm. He LOVES potatoes, and that showed in the cooking, but he also made a dish with tomatoes and eggs that was unreal, and now Neha's favorite dish in china. She'll order it wherever we go. Literally. The night was great, we ate a ton, then played a few card games with beer until everyone got too tired to laugh, and hit the bed. The next day, we decided that since David and Honey wanted to cook us a nice Chinese dinner - we would cook them a nice AMERICAN dinner! So after some deliberation and blind luck at the supermarket - we managed to eek out some weird version of french fries (christina chopped the potatoes, boiled oil, and plopped 'em in) which came out damn good, and I tried to cook up hamburgers with some beef - which ended up becoming a new sort of sloppy joe (we had to improvise like crazy) served on potato bread. Not bad! To top it all off we chopped up a watermelon, made some of the easy mac I brought from the US of A, and washed it down with cold beer. They were estastic with the night, and so were we - because it gave us a chance to really give back and show David and Honey how appreciative we are of everything they do for us.

On another night, we went to this muslim restaurant out in Tongliao.. the name escapes me, but it was home to a form of dinner I've never experienced, but can't WAIT to do again. It's calling 'Hot Pot'. Here's how it works: You choose what flavor hot pot you want, which is like a bowl of soup that is heated up to boiling and sits next to your dinner plate. The soup's flavors go from tomato, to curry, and so on. Once heated up, you choose from a large array of raw foods on the round table in front of you.

By the way, the tables in China are awesome. They are round and fit at least 10 people around them, but the kicker is that there is a large glass plate in the middle that all of the food goes on. It works like a giant lazy susan, and rotates to give everyone a shot at each dish, allowing you to make up your own plate of whatever it is you like. I love it. America really needs to invest. But I digress.

You choose raw foods to put into the hot pot to cook for a few minutes, then you take it out, let it cool, and eat it! It's amazing! We had things from noodles, raw veggies, shrimp, chicken, pork, mushrooms, and beyond. It was truly a delectable experience. Plus, David and Honey made it all the more entertaining just by being themselves. They have a wonderful presence about them - very humble, very appreciative, and very welcoming. I wish I could stress more how integral they are to our China experience over the internet, but you really just need to meet them to understand. After our hot pots, we made it over to KTV. KTV is awesome. Period. It is a HUGE chain in China, and are found literally everywhere. KTV = Insane karaoke bar. You get your own room, a waitress to bring you drinks, and a billion songs at your finger tips. It's a riot. We started off singing Backstreet boys, and by the end found ourselves break dancing to Mongolian trance music. Perhaps some stories are to be left unsaid.

Aside from those specific instances, they have literally shown us Tongliao and how to get around the city to everywhere that is important (the malls, supermarkets, snack street and KFC to be specific). They brought us to see the school's South Campus, which is where Meg and Christina will be teaching for the next year. Also, they brought us to this food court across the street from KFC (aka, the center of town) where you charge a little card with money, then pick out whatever food you want from about 8 different little food booths, and they charge the card. The food was great too! Plus they have a wonderful bubble tea shop across from all these food shops which I gave a shot - and it is really quite tasty! Neha loves it too.

After all of these little adventures, David and Honey had to graces and (in my opinion) courage to ask us to join them on a little vacation they were planning! It was to a trip to Shenyang, and large city in China about 6 hours south of Tongliao by train. It is very big and quite Western styled, and has some things Tongliao lacks like McDonalds, Pizza Hut, and the Shenyang Imperial Palace: known as the Crown of the Manchu empire. Being absolutely thrilled with the fact that they weren't sick of us and actually wanted us to join them on such a trip, we fullheartedly agreed! The next post will be all about Shenyang!

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