Monday, March 2, 2009


Okay, for the record... I've been back in Tongliao for about 2 weeks time now. However, I've been lesson planning, getting my life back in order, and relaxing after a solid month and a half of traveling the better part of China. It was SUCH a wonderful trip, and I want to get my thoughts really together before I begin writing about my adventures/misadventures/fun/games/etc. in this journal here.

So I apologize for my recent lack of posting. It's on it's way. TRUST ME.

To tide you over in the meantime, however, I've posted up all the photos I took of my trip onto my photo website:

HOWEVER. I must profusely apologize for the quality of my photos. My camera has been giving my problems since basically day one. Many of the shots come out pretty grainy, or rather blurry. This in mind, I ended up not taking as many pictures of my trip than I really should have. I'm going to try to beef up my photo gallery by stealing pictures from friends I had made along the way (and mostly steve) in the coming weeks. I'll let everyone know if that works out or not.

The stories are on the way! Trust me! Lookit those pictures for now!

Miss you, everyone! Ricky!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OMG Ricky, do not apologize for the lack of quality. The photos are great to behold, regardless! What a great adventure! Thanyou! .