Monday, April 27, 2009

... And everything else.

In lieu of the fact that I'm unfathomably behind on keeping this blog updated, I've decided that I'm going to bullet-point the rest of my vacation and note a few of the things that have been going on SINCE then, (rather quickly) so that I can try to keep things more current. I apologize for my inherent laziness in keeping this a tidy record of my travels and exploits!

So let's see.

- After Hangzhou, we took a plane to Kunming, Yunnan, China. It's a city in the south-west part of China, and is kind of a hub to go to other back packing desinations via bus or train.

- We stayed in Kunming a few days, at 'The Hump' Hostel, which is easily the best hostel I've ever stayed at. The view of the city, the bar, the people, and the funky feeling from the place was far and beyond the most enjoyable I've experienced in China.

- In Kunming we were able to celebrate the Chinese New Year!!! Fireworks exploding EVERYWHERE, people having a grand time, red paper lanterns floating in the sky - it was definitely a thing to behold. Lovely, bizarre, interesting, and beautiful. What a country!

- We met up with a traveling photographer, Jason, a Californian fella traveling through south east Asia, and decided to travel to a few places together to see some more of China.

- He came with us (now it's Me, Steve, Dirk, Kristin and Jason) on a bus ride to Dali, which is an old, old, old town inlaid next to a massive lake that was unspeakably gorgeous.

- We took a donkey-back ride up a small mountain in Dali to see the view of the old city and further laying lake. It was breath-taking. But Dirk's donkey bit my leg. It's name was Nun-Chuck. My donkey was Bruce Lee.

- From Dali we took a bus (3 hours) to Lijiang, which is another back-packers paradise on earth. The old town is a web of old cobble-stone streets, shops, restaurants, and rivers flowing under your feet. It was again, completely beautiful. Our time spent there was culminated in having lunch on the 4th floor of a restaurant, overseeing the entirety of the town, and the large snow-capped mountain that silently watches the town. I think it was my favorite scenic spot all throughout China.

- In LiJiang we stayed at 'Mama Naxi's', which is a little hostel run by this old woman, Mama Naxi, and her 4-5 daughters. The place was extremely comfortable... Mama Naxi cooked us a big dinner, and gave us Naxi (a kind of Chinese nationality, or zu) good luck charms and big hugs when we left. She rocked.

- From LiJiang we took a bus back to Kunming so we could grab a train the next day to shoot up to Zhengzhou, the city that Dirk and Steve live in. I planned on staying for about a week to check things out.

- The train ride, we thought, was going to take 20 hours. Long indeed, but certainly do-able considering some of the things we had gone through so far. Turns out the ride was 36 HOURS. It was hell on wheels with an engine. I have the transcripts (an hourly journal I kept during the trip) to explain what we went through. I'll post it at a later date, for giggles.

- Zhengzhou was great, I went to a couple of Steve's classes, enjoyed staying at his apartment, and got a real feel for the city. We also had dinner at Mama Yao's (Kristin's mom's home) which was ultra delicious.

- While in Zhengzhou, I decided to take a short trip by myself to the Shaolin temple (ShaoLin Si) to see the birthplace of Kung Fu and all. It was fantastic. I got the opportunity to meet some kids who had been training, and to actually get up on stage and make a big ass out of myself in front of a Chinese crowd by trying out some kung fu moves with a master. Hoo boy.

- After my ZhengZhou adventure, I took a train back to Beijing, met back up with Jason (who had gone his separate way when we arrived in ZhengZhou) for a night of fun, and finally took my train back to Tongliao, to rest for about a week until classes started back up again!!


If you have any questions about anything (I'm sure I missed way too much) don't hestitate to leave a comment or ask! I'd be happy to ramble on about my time out here in China.

Okay - from here on out I'll do my best to keep this thing current, even if the posts are quite short. Hope that's okay. Alright - good talk. See you out there.


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