Friday, October 3, 2008

'Sports Meeting' and Class Selection.

A few things to discuss, here. The first of these things - the Tongliao # 1 Middle School Sports Meeting. It was one of the more impressive things I've ever been spectator of. I took a jog the day before it began, and happened upon Mr. Zheng by accident, and he invited me up to his office. I mentioned that I saw a huge amount of students out on the school track practicing something and he casually mentioned that they were practicing for the opening ceremony of the 'Sports Meeting' they have every year before National Day. I asked if we could attend. He whipped out his cell phone, talked to a couple people, and told us to meet him at 7:45 the next morning at the track. We did. And we were treated like dignitaries by the school, per usual. So this 'sports meeting' is essentially a school-wide Track Meet where anyone who can qualify for a certain track and field event will participate amongst their classmates in their grade. It was outrageously entertaining to watch all the students play so many sports, and actually be amazing at them. The opening ceremonies at the meeting were nothing short of breathtaking. It was a long procession of each grade and each class, followed by a short performance (a dance or concert) from each grade (primary school, high school, kindergarten - SO CUTE - and then the ROTC program). After this, the sports began immediately. They last for two full days, culminating in the teachers sports which were a blast to watch as well. While the competitions are taking place, the rest of the student body (all 3000 some odd kids) sit in the stands of the track and watch their peers in action. I took some time to sit down with a group of Grade 1 High school students (aka, they bombarded me with questions) and ended up singing Dispatch for them. They had no idea what it was, but clapped and cheered afterwards, which is how a lot of the things we do end up getting praised. It's a strange feeling. Alas, after the sports meeting had ended, Mr. Zheng hauled us into his office and told us our official placements for teaching at the school!! I was given.. drumroll:


Which is precisely what I wanted. It means I'll be teaching nearly alongside David - and I love that man. I start teaching on Monday. I am all aglow with excitement to teach these kids, mostly for three reasons. David is the first. The second is that I've actually had the opportunity to meet about 3 of the classes I'll be teaching, and they seem like wonderful kids that are extremely eager to learn and be in class with. Third, and most important - is that the kids I will be teaching will have a general ability to speak some english. Of course, the ability level will vary from student to student and class to class - that is to be expected. However, at least some of my students are able to actually hold a conversation with me. I want to get to KNOW these kids in order to teach them. To learn from them is the second reason I'm in the country - the first is to teach. Hopefully I will be able to bear fruit from the relationships I create with the students I will be getting to know for this next year - and only time will tell. But I am extremely optimistic at the moment! Wish me luck. The next few posts will outline some of the things we've been doing up until we begin teaching! Enjoy and comment please!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

bro! this is so awesome!! i absolutely love reading about what you're doing and i'm insanely jealous of this opportunity. the kids sound just fantastic and the pictures are amazing. keep up the great attitude, Ricky, you're my favorite person in this world! (yes, the world, because you are half way around it!)

also, how old are the kids you are teaching?