Monday, December 1, 2008


Since Meg and Christina have been gone on Vacation, and were gone for Thanksgiving... the four of us had a makeshift Thanksgiving dinner. In other words:

We took a few handfuls of coupons to KFC and bought as much fast food as we shove in our faces.

This includes, 1 bucket of legs, 3 sandwiches, 2 pop corn chickens, 4 ice creams, one small corn on the cob, 2 cups of mashed potatoes, another serving of wings, and 4 bags of fries.

It was a meal fit for a king. Or.. maybe a meal fit for four American kids stuck in China on Thanksgiving. Happy belated Turkey day!

THANKFULLY, we will be having a REAL Thanksgiving meal tomorrow night! My mother has graciously sent me a TON of Thanksgiving supplies ready to cook for a wonderful Thanksgiving Feast!!! (Thanks Mom, I love you SO MUCH!)

I'll be sure to let you all know how it goes! I MISS EVERYONE!!!

PS: Things I am Thankful For.
- My Mom and Dad and Sister. Love you all.
- My Sister again. Her love keeps my sane.
- All my friends at home in the States - miss you guys so much. Seriously.
- My students here in China. They are all so wonderful. God, I love those kids.
- Everyone that we work with here at #1 School. David, Honey and Mr. Zheng at the top of the list, of course. Thank you all so much.
- The other 5 PC kids I'm here with. Katie, Christina, Meg, Neha, and Mike. Love you guys. :)
- The recently revamped 'Die Hard Room' I just heard about back at Rocksteady. Good work.

Much love, everyone! Can't wait for Christmas!!!

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