Friday, December 12, 2008

Checkin' in.

Just a general little listing of whats going on in my life right now! Let's see here..

- The new western style gym called "MIO" is going great. Getting to know some of the trainers there, and working through the language barrier. Johnathen is a good guy and a good trainer.. same with Robert. Mico is a muscle head, and Ricky (yeah, he took my name for his English name, haha) is a quiet fella, but a nice guy. Apple is the only girl trainer I know there. She seems nice!
- I'm getting WAY better at cooking rice. My fried rice with onions, peppers and potatoes is turning into one of my favorite little dishes to make myself for lunch. I'm working my way up to eggs and meat. We'll see what happens.
- Chinese lessons are progressing, and my Chinese has advanced from 'God awful', to 'Almost intelligible.' That's a strong step up the wrung for me. I can at least talk to taxi drivers (most of the time) and purchase basically anything I need in China. I've just about mastered the numbers in China.. so my negotiation skills at markets is spiking. Good news.
- We have a lot of down time. What have I been doing with this time, you ask? Great question. Well, we watch an ungodly amount of movies and tv series (which you can buy dirt cheap bootleg versions of at any local supermarket).. I recently got a hold of a big book of crossword puzzles that has been occupying some time... OH, and my mother just sent me Harry Potter: 1 and 2. I can't WAIT to start reading the series. Mostly because I've been showing Harry Potter to a few of my Grade 2 classes, and it's piqued my interest in the book! I'm currently chugging through 'The Count of Monte Cristo'.. once I'm done, my odyssey into Harry's world will begin.
- I've been teaching my students in Grade 1 about good/bad manners in America/China, lately. It's pretty fun. However, the lesson usually ends prematurely, so I'm forced to think of something to do in order to kill time in class. My favorite thing to do lately with 'em is to play games. The two big ones I play are 'Champion', and 'Whispers'. Champion is pretty standard. I ask for two students to come up the front of class and have them sit back to back in chairs, then write a 'topic' up on the board... like 'Animals'. They then have to say an Animal name (in English) back and forth until one can't think of one. Fortunately, I allow the rest of the class to help out their classmates with thinking of another thing in the category. I figure it's win-win, since 1. the kids get to help their friends (Chinese kids are SO supportive of their friends) and 2. everyone in the class is shouting English words, exactly what I'm trying to get them to do. Suckers. Whispers is a classic version of 'telephone'. I say a sentence to one kid, and they say it to the kid behind them, etc. til the last one in the row tells ME what I said. Whatever rows get it correct, get a point. Whichever row (I have like 60 kids in a class) has the most correct at the end of class, wins! It sounds great in theory, but in actuality, these Chinese kids are TRICKY. They write down the sentence, pass it around, tell everyone what it is, run from their seat to tell the kid at the end, etc. It's pretty wild. At least they're speaking English!
- Grade 2 is finishing up Harry Potter. The movie was too long for class. It has taken up way too much of my class time. My bad.
- We got invited to another English competition at the University! This time it was ingrained into preforming English, Russian, or Japanese musical pieces in front of the student body. It was SO fun... plus I got to be a judge for it! So many good songs. My two favorites were 'By the Rivers of Babylon', and 'Bayou'. Good old American songs.
- My mom sent me already cooked Bacon. She is a Goddess. Love you mommy.
- I'm currently on the prowl for a Santa costume to wear to class/to the big Christmas eve party that our school throws at a big hotel every year here in Tongliao. Christmas is KIND OF celebrated over here in China. It's mostly a commercial holiday, which makes sense. They sell Christmas stuff everywhere, and play some Christmas-y tunes at the local Supermarkets. Apparently it's tradition in China to give your good friends Apples on Christmas, since Apples mean 'Peace' or, 'Everything goes well', in China. I better buy some soon.
- I just turned 23. Gross.
- I still really miss everyone at home. Especially during the Holidays. Much love.
- We just had a lovely dinner with Honey and Ned and Mandy (from the Tongliao University!). It was an excellent 'American Dinner' of 'Hamburgers', 'Fries', 'Cole Slaw', tomatoes and Rice. Very nice.
- Oh, we just finished most of our decorating for Christmas! The foreign teachers from last year left us a Christmas tree and a host of decorations (Thanks so much you guys, we love ya!) that we've splayed across the Third floor apartment! It looks so homey and like Christmas. I've also downloaded one metric ton of Christmas tunes to listen to - and have had them on full blast, non stop since December 1. Oh baby, if I can't take China home, I'll take home to China!!
- David recently broke 2000 points on 'Landlord', a big time QQ game (QQ is like the Chinese version of AIM). It was a big day. I'm proud of him.
- It's absurdly cold in Tongliao right now. Right now: -1 degrees. Yikes.
- Our big trip coming up in January is currently in the planning process. When more information comes up, I'll alert the presses.

That'll do for now. Peace, love and tie-dye.



amandala said...

ricky! it's mandy. I posted a post about you and chicken feet on my blog. it's

check it out!

p.s. great blog!

Anonymous said...

Ricky,Steve Lavoie here back in N.H. I work with your Dad. He turned me on to your blogsite and Ive been enjoying it ever since. Sounds like your having the time of your life kid !! Im envious. This is th best time of your life. Live it to the hilt!! Take care, be safe and Merry Christmas.....